Well, it's meagain, randall.
Since the cort ordered my dog turnip be taken away because of her obesity problem, and that the judge said I have to undergo a serious mental evaluation that includes both health and physical fitness counseling, I have decided to share a few things that I have taught mysel from not taking notes in the class. But before i do, please allow me to rant a little bit cause I think it is unfair not to feed a dog bryers double churn. I mean come on, if the dog didnt want it, it would just go drink out of his water dish, which is filled with mountain dew halo edition. I know i am a bad owner, I ran out of red bull and code red last week. Why does the animal cort feel it is necessary to come out to my property and take away the things that make me and turnip happy. Oh well, I guess I can always turn turnips dog bed into a guest bed.
So on with the show, right AOL?
Aside from the boners I drew in my Lisa Frank note book, here are some things i jotted down in order to make that EFFING B*TCH shut her fat face so I could get my certificate of completed course.
1. Milk should be stored in the fridge, and not in back of toilet.
2. Ignore, picture of boner
3. make at least one meal a day not include pizza
4. vegetables are for gays
5. Dog food is not fit for human or baby consumption, people food should not be given to dogs.
6. it is not okay to milk a dog
7. Only puppies should drink dog milk.
B. (eight key is broken) The guy next to me smells like salami.
9. He does not like to be called Sal Lami
10. free feeding for dogs can often lead to obesity. Rightly so, slicing a bag of kibbles and bits, kicking it over and saying "here boy" is unsanitary and cruel.
Well AOL, I am so glad to be able to pass the mind torche over to you my good friends. I have to sign off now as my niece pepper wants to use the phone to call her boyfriend and I also have to go "wash" some "dishes" in preperation for tomorrows "dinner" of beeferoni and snickers.
"thank you for getting to know me over this media" -randall tuhchie
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